Another guess. Is there a "ld -r" in the build procedure? A partial linking.

On June 21, 2015 12:49:23 PM CDT, Sujay Raj <> wrote:
>I am updating my github repo after cleaning the code, for you all to
>verify. I will drop a mail when its ready.
>Sujay Raj
>On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Sujay Raj <>
>@Chris , I used  'target_link_libraries' in mk_bin/CMakeLists.txt to
>link libc.a and libbsd.a to the monkey-bin target
>@Joel, removing -O0 doesn't work too. 
>I needed libc for three function , initgroups, timegm, and sendfile. 
>Today I figured that monkey can function without 'initgroups' , if it
>is given all privileges, which I think will be the case when it runs on
>rtems (I tested on linux and when run from root, it can work without
>initgroups) . And I wrote a my_timegm function emulating what timegm
>does. So these two functions aren't needed anymore. (both were tested
>and working on linux) 
>The problem comes with sendfile. 
>So, just to get things working, I also wrote a make shift version of
>sendfile using read/write (which is working on linux, but is
>theoretically slow). 
>Doing the above removed the requirement of linking libc.a totally. 
>So yeah, we now have a working version of monkey on rtems using libbsd,
>which is ready to be tested on qemu. Though, this is not the ideal
>circumstances that we would have hoped for, and I certainly would want
>monkey to be using the default sendfile from the library. 
>Sujay Raj
>On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 5:00 AM, Joel Sherrill
><> wrote:
>I suspect it is because he is compiling at -O0.
>On June 20, 2015 6:13:23 PM CDT, Chris Johns <> wrote:
>>On 20/06/2015 2:34 am, Sujay Raj wrote:
>>> Hi ,
>>> I am working on porting the monkey http server to rtems.
>>> I am working on the bsp: xilinx_zynq_a9_qemu , target:
>>> There are two libraries that I am supposed to link to create my
>>> executable, one is libbsd.a and the other is libc.
>>> libbsd.a links alright, but whenever I try to link libc to create
>>> final executable , I get an error:
>>> In function `__getreent':
>>> multiple definition of `__getreent'
>>> first defined here
>>> The CFLAGS I am using to compile are :
>>> -march=armv7-a -mthumb -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -mtune=cortex-a9
>>> -g -qrtems
>>> --specs bsp_specs
>>> note: I require libc for three function , initgroups, timegm, and
>>> note: I am working on a cmake build system
>>> If the information given here is insufficient, kindly ask.
>>Can you please post the full command line you are using to link with ?
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