On 08/01/2015 04:00 PM, Yurii Shevtsov wrote:
During debugging of compiled Nexus module(driver) I found out that
content which suppose to be created in RTEMS_BSD_DEFINE_SET(nexus,
rtems_bsd_device) is empty, That should mean that either it is not
found or cannot be read. Please, let me know why empty content is not
create any error message and in what situation it can be empty.

Sebastian just added the pc386 to the nexus-devices file. Make sure
the bsp.h is tripping the conditional logic in that file to get the Pi
path as a minimum.

Then you are going to need to add the appropriate devices for Pi
USB.  If the Pi  doesn't have one of the standard USB controllers, then
you will have to import the source for it from FreeBSD.

The pc386 is stuck at the point where it detects the NIC configured
but needs resources. I am going to try to debug that.
2015-06-29 19:50 GMT+03:00 Yurii Shevtsov<unge...@gmail.com>:
So, it is empty.

                 0x001104bc        0x0 ./libbsd.a(rtems-bsd-nexus.c.16.o)
                 0x001104bc                _bsd__start_set_nexus
                 0x001104bc        0x0 ./libbsd.a(rtems-bsd-nexus.c.16.o)
                 0x001104bc                _bsd__stop_set_nexus

What will be next step? My repo:

2015-06-29 9:43 GMT+03:00 Sebastian Huber<sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de>:
You can debug this issue on Qemu. The Nexus childes are registered in a
linker set, so I would consult the linker map file.  It should look like

                 0x000000000052ef7c        0x0 libbsd.a(rtems-bsd-nexus.o)
                 0x000000000052ef7c _bsd__start_set_nexus
                 0x000000000052ef7c       0x28
                 0x000000000052efa4        0x0 libbsd.a(rtems-bsd-nexus.o)
                 0x000000000052efa4 _bsd__stop_set_nexus

The  .rtemsroset.bsd.nexus.content section must be non-empty.

On 27/06/15 16:39, Yurii Shevtsov wrote:
Any ideas? Maybe I did some typo? Maybe you can compile and try it in

2015-06-26 17:05 GMT+03:00 Yurii Shevtsov<unge...@gmail.com>:
2015-06-25 16:00 GMT+03:00 Sebastian Huber
I would set a break point to nexus_probe(). In this loop

      SET_FOREACH(nd, nexus) {
          device_add_child(dev, nd->name, nd->unit);

your device must get added. I would also set break points to the probe
attach functions of your device.
Added printfs()

      printf("before setforeach\n");

      SET_FOREACH(nd, nexus) {
          printf("setforeach: %s\n", nd->name);
          device_add_child(dev, nd->name, nd->unit);

Got only 'before setforeach' in console. So it doesn't step into loop.
Any ideas? Also I already had printfs in my driver's probe and attach,
also got no output.

On 25/06/15 14:50, Yurii Shevtsov wrote:
This is ping message, with small update: the problem is not on the
linking stage, driver is linked to testsuite (checked with objdump)

2015-06-21 17:57 GMT+03:00 Yurii Shevtsov<unge...@gmail.com>:
Now I have apps from libbsd testsuite running. But DWC OTG driver
I added this lines to init01/test_main.c:

+SYSINIT_DRIVER_REFERENCE(bcm283x_dwcotg, nexus);

(I know it's bad hardcode)

If I run it. I get only this:
     nexus0:<RTEMS Nexus device>
     devctl: +nexus0 at   on root0
     devctl: !system=IFNET subsystem=lo0 type=ATTACH

Of course, I modified rtemsbsd/include/machine/rtems-bsd-sysinit.h and
rtemsbsd/include/bsp/nexus-devices.h (took vlues from working DTS) and
did other nexus-related changes to drivers. You can find changes in my
repo https://github.com/gtament/rtems-libbsd/
So I need some kind of code review, please.
P.S. All testsuites (netshell01, usb01) with shell hangs without any

Thanks in advance!
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Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
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E-Mail  : sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
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Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

Diese Nachricht ist keine geschäftliche Mitteilung im Sinne des EHUG.

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