
I am sending this email because Joel told us, participants of ESA SOCIS
2015, to submit our work to devel@RTEMS for evaluation.

In this summer of code I was supposed to add a fault injection tool work
with RTEMS. I've selected two tools for this purpose:

   - GRINDER <https://github.com/DEEDS-TUD/GRINDER>: A free open-source
   tool for test case execution and for storing test results on database.
   - Slingshot <https://github.com/DEEDS-TUD/Slingshot>: A free open-source
   tool to generate test campaigns for data-type based faults.

The links above refer to the original version of these tools, which are
designed for Linux and working on it. Here is what I've done:

   - GRINDER-RTEMS <https://github.com/salpha2004/GRINDER-RTEMS>: Extending
   GRINDER to a new target, that is RTEMS on QEMU. Basically GRINDER supports
   no target but it is a base platform to add support for other targets.
   GRINDER-RTEMS has added this support by implementation of an interface
   (CUEAbstraction) which invokes the target (in this case QEMU), get back
   target output (in this case via console output), and store it on database.
   - Slingshot-RTEMS <https://github.com/salpha2004/slingshot-rtems>:
   Adaption of Slingshot to RTEMS. Originally Slingshot generates test
   campaigns to test implementation of POSIX API on Linux Standard Base.
   Slingshot-RTEMS runs on Linux, but generates code to test RTEMS
   implementation of a subset of POSIX API. A subset, because due to different
   process model, it is no possible to implement functions such as fork or
   exec* on RTEMS.
   - Documentation of the project can be found under:

Looking forward to hearing your feedbacks. Thanks!

Kind Regards,

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