On 11/2/17 7:27 am, Alan Cudmore wrote:
> I need to do the same for the Pi. I also noticed the Pi BSP Readme is
> out of date. 
> Joel, where would we put instructions in the Sphinx documentation for
> the Pi and BB?

Please add a page under https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Boards. Create a
page such as https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Boards/Raspberry Pi and
https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Boards/Beagle Boards and the Board level
page will update. Please use spaces etc so the list in the Board page is

The Board pages focus on the Board specific parts of running and
debugging RTEMS. These pages can focus on detail such as a board
versions, boot loaders, boot modes, debugging, debugging solutions
including commercial offerings successfully being used by users. This
information is more dynamic and always being updated.

The Board pages should avoid documenting setting up the RTEMS
eco-system, building tools, RTEMS and general application building. This
detail should be in the User manual and if there is something a board
needs we should review this and update the User manual.

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