On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 2:11 PM, Denis Obrezkov <denisobrez...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have some news about my HiFive1 GSoC project.
> First of all, people from SiFive1 were very kind and sent me two samples of
> their
> HiFive1 for free. The estimated date of delivery 23rd of May.

> Secondly, I changed a bit my draft proposal:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-_kNXMd7TuNNQ-dvkfRuNWEKNTJIhBZGuxEkcLgXHDc/edit?usp=sharing
> But, since I am new to this architecture, the proposal definitely needs a
> discussion:
> what should be done and due to what dates.
> I also has an issue -
> I can't see how to change the last version of proposed pdf. Should I contact
> GSoC
> people in charge or mentors should do something?
Nothing needs to be done. All you needed to do is update your project
title and description, which you have already done.

> Tomorrow I will try to summarize all the required documents on one
> wiki-page.
> --
> Regards, Denis Obrezkov
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