On 22/12/2017 02:48, Cudmore, Alan P. (GSFC-5820) wrote:
> I like the idea of higher performance locking and the reduced need for error 
> checking. We have had internal debates on how much error checking needs to be 
> done when locking and unlocking a mutex for a shared data structure. 

Agreed, it is difficult so a mutex that does not return errors helps swing this
debate. :)

> Are these new APIs in addition to the classic RTEMS APIs for similar objects?

This is a new API. My personal view is this API will become the dominate API and
the classic API will be provided for compatibility. POSIX provides portability.

> Since there are performance benefits, is there any reason to use the classic 
> API over the self-contained objects?


> Finally, the ticket referenced in some of the patches (2843) has a milestone 
> of 6.1. Are the self-contained objects going in 5.1? 

It exists now. My understanding is the only thing missing is thread support but
Sebastian can provide more detail here.

Sebastian and I have been debating the name for the API. I not thrilled about
"self-contained" as a name because it is "why it exists" not something easy and
likeable and in a few years will it mean what is does when the context it
currently resides in has changed. I however cannot think of anything better at
this point in time. I floated 'RTEMS-X' as a name and there could be 'RTEMS
Infinite', RTEMS Rapid", or something else. Also does it matter?

Any suggestions?

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