Hey everyone!

# Intro

I'm still gaining familiarity with RTEMS, so I'm not sure about projects
I might be interested in, but I'll make sure I communicate and discuss
things as that changes.

A little bit about who I am; I'm a final year (i.e. year 4) engineering
student at Thakur College of Engineering in Mumbai, India. I've been
working part-time for a startup building an Intel x86 emulator for
nearly a year now; the emulator runs in Node.js and browsers
(client-side JavaScript) - we use a fair amount of C (compiled to
WebAssembly) and JavaScript for the source, and often some
specific regression tests in x86 assembly, so I'm quite familiar with
all of those.

Other trivia: my friends also make fun of me for having uttered the
phrase "textbooks are like crack" :P

I'd also like to say that this is an incredible project and I'm very
excited to have come across it! :D

# Hello World proof

More to the point: I'm interested in participating in GSoC with RTEMS
this year, and though I haven't finished perusing the abundant
information on the wiki yet, I figured I'd get involved with the
community early.

In doing so, I've followed the getting started[1] instructions and
patched the hello world C sample.

The diff is as follows:

diff --git a/testsuites/samples/hello/init.c b/testsuites/samples/hello/init.c
index 34ded37c55..3f0d6ce9f1 100644
--- a/testsuites/samples/hello/init.c
+++ b/testsuites/samples/hello/init.c
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ static rtems_task Init(
-  printf( "Hello World\n" );
+  printf( "\n\n*** GSoC HELLO WORLD TEST ***\n" );
+  printf( "Amaan says hello in 2018!\n" );
+  printf( "*** END OF GSoC HELLO WORLD TEST ***\n" );
   rtems_test_exit( 0 );

(I'm working my way around the project still, but I found that using
examples-v2/hello was much simpler than modifying the testsuite sample,
but my screenshot shows both modifications working.)

I noticed that Gedare asked for a previous proof screenshot to be sent
directly to them[2] - would you like me to do the same?

Would you also like the patch files along with the screenshot?


[1] https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GSoC/GettingStarted
[2] https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2018-January/019881.html
devel mailing list

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