
We have a number of drivers in our BSP which all use the POSIX access methods 
to try and keep a clean interface etc. However, we also seem to stumble into a 
return error code translation issue. RTEMS seems to have a very few defined 
errno's and translate the relatively scarce amount of RTEMS error codes into an 
even sparser selection of errno codes.

We would like our drivers to be a bit communicative when encountering an error 
and the available error codes are very few due to the translation happening. Is 
there some way of forwarding a wider variety of errno numbers?

E.g. could it be possible for the translation mechanism to look if there is 
already an errno defined and then return this instead of doing the error code 

It seems like the translation I'm talking about happens in the 
rtems_deviceio_write() function in cpukit/libcsupport/src/sup_fs_deviceio.c

Are we doing it wrong or could there be some amendments to allow for bigger 
freedom here? All suggestions are appreciated.

We're currently running 4.11, but will probably move up to 5 soonish.

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