On 12/06/2018 17:18, Christian Mauderer wrote:
> Am 12.06.2018 um 07:08 schrieb Chris Johns:
>> On 09/06/2018 02:45, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>>> Did you also note Gedares suggestion to move the rtems_waf.git to the
>>> public repos? Maybe that would be a good idea.
>> Yes I did and it is a good idea. I have move the repo to the top level and
>> updated cgit's config so it is viewable.
>> Will need to update the repos that include this. Please consider the changes 
>> to
>> do that pre-approved.
> This change will make it necessary to do a `git submodule sync` for
> every user in the affected repositories. So maybe it would be a good
> time to think about another point to avoid a second sync:
> Do we want to keep the absolute URL or do we want to use relative URLs?
>> The first one has a longer backward compatibility (relative URLs are
> there since 2007: https://github.com/git/git/commit/f31a522a2d which
> should be somewhere between git 1.5 and git 1.6).
> The second one would allow mirrors that use a mirrored sub-repository too.

What do you think we should do?

> By the way: Shouldn't the rtems_waf be mirrored on github too? I think
> most core-repositories are.

Yes it would be good to have the repo mirrored on git. It is one of the hooks in
list that does this. Anyone with commit access should be able to edit the hooks
and change this.

>> I have not pushed this change so please do so as a test. :)
> I have pushed the show-commands patch. Seems that there is something
> wrong with the trac-config.

Ah OK, I have added it https://devel.rtems.org/browser/rtems_waf.

> Otherwise it worked fine. Sorry for the
> German messages.

Looks good and it appears in the Trac view now.

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