Hello Sebastian,

On 2018-09-20 07:32, Sebastian Huber wrote:
Hello Daniel,

thanks for your status report. The RSB uses currently GCC 7.3.0 without patches and the Newlib commit d13c84eb07e35984bf7a974cd786a6cdac29e6b9.
Thanks for the information, our toolchain was built using 916ef5fb8865f72d0f5ad3f4f479adac44ea94b1. I will update newlib at least going forward.

On 19/09/2018 14:46, Daniel Hellstrom wrote:

I just wanted to share the current test status for the GR740 I have today, using the todays master with some additional test fixes which I plan to submit shortly. The test have been run both on TSIM and hardware.

Current test results for the RTEMS test-suite with GCC-7.2 toolchain for the GR740 quad-core LEON4 BSP in SMP driver manager configuration:

  # Result Test ExecRes ConsoleRes ExitCode1 ExitCode2
  # FAIL: minimum OK N/A 0 5

Ok, known issue, the test has no output.

  # FAIL: spcpucounter01 OK FAIL 5 0

This was a bug. It should be fixed with this commit:


Aah, I missed this, even looking at that line of code I could not see the typo. This fix will remove a warning too.

  # FAIL: spfatal07 FAIL N/A N/A N/A
  # FAIL: spinternalerror01 OK N/A -559038737 1611526157

This is a known issue. Test exit before the device enumeration.

  # FAIL: sptimecounter01 OK N/A 5 0

This is a known issue. Test exit before the device enumeration.

  #  Tests failing:    5
  #  Tests successful: 624

spfatal07 - problem with the test itself. CONFIGURE_INTERRUPT_STACK_SIZE is too small, the boot process fails before reaching the check. This is a new behavior since interrupt stack is also used by the CPU for initialization/boot process.

Ok, thanks for the pointer. I changed the interrupt/initialization stack machinery recently. I think that this internal error is superfluous now or needs to be adjusted. This ticket is related to this topic:


Thanks for your comments, it is helpful.

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