On 24/07/2019 07:47, Ravindra Kumar Meena wrote:
    This makes no sense:

    static void print_item( client_context *cctx, const client_item *item )
        if( cctx->event_counter % 2 == 0 ){

    1. event_counter is not per CPU.

    2. You don't care about the record event. You have to do this for
    specific events as I already wrote in the description of this task.

I forgot to remove the modular operator.


The logic behind this is that when the first time program enters in print_item() it initializes the prev_* values and after this, it will enter in else part recursively initializing prev_* and next_* values for the same CPU and write it in the file.

This approach makes no sense to me.

Per CPU you receive three record events in succession:

[19:32:26.679099590] (+0.000046608) Record_Item RTEMS_RECORDING_EVENT: { cpu_id = 5 }, { event = ( "RTEMS_RECORD_THREAD_SWITCH_OUT" : container = 216 ), data = 167837707 } [19:32:26.679099590] (+0.000000000) Record_Item RTEMS_RECORDING_EVENT: { cpu_id = 5 }, { event = ( "RTEMS_RECORD_THREAD_STACK_CURRENT" : container = 209 ), data = 32320 } [19:32:26.679099590] (+0.000000000) Record_Item RTEMS_RECORDING_EVENT: { cpu_id = 5 }, { event = ( "RTEMS_RECORD_THREAD_SWITCH_IN" : container = 215 ), data = 151060501 }

They have all the same timestamp.

When you receive an RTEMS_RECORD_THREAD_SWITCH_OUT event, you store the timestamp (per CPU) and the data (per-CPU, this is the thread ID).

When you receive an RTEMS_RECORD_THREAD_SWITCH_IN event and the timestamp matches, you use the values of the current event and the values stored before to output an LTTNG sched_switch event.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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