Hi Guys,

I am new to rtems. Looking to solve some issues to get familiar with
the project.
While going through the ticket list I found issue #3515. I would like
to solve this.

Background Work:
Following the quick-start guide I have built rtems5 and rsb. Ran the
600 tests on
BSP erc32 of which 5 tests failed, namely:

Then I ran `hello.exe` using the command `sparc-rtems5-gdb hello.exe`
inside gdb.
But when I did `target sim` it displayed (Undefined target command: "sim")
As a workaround, using `sparc-rtems5-sis` to run hello.exe worked.
As mentioned in getting started section I have made changes to the
hello.c file and they are working fine.

Now regarding #3515:
For covoar: I cloned https://git.rtems.org/rtems-tools/
This is my directory structure:
$HOME/quick-start/src/rtems - Main RTEMS repo
$HOME/quick-start/src/rsb - Source Builder
$HOME/quick-start/src/rtems-tools - The one that I have recently cloned

But running `rtems-test --list-bsps` inside '$HOME/quick-start/src/rtems-tools'
gives "error: RTEMS Toolkit python wrapper not found, plrease report"

Any ideas on how to resolve this error ?

Two more queries:
1) rtems-test is also present in the tool-suite, at
    Running `rtems-test` in the tool-suite also gives the same error
of RTEMS toolkit python wrapper not found.
    Are these two rtems-test scripts (this one and the one in
rtems-tools) same or different ?

2) Same is the case for covoar. It is present at both places
'$HOME/quick-start/rtems/5/share/rtems/tester/bin/covoar' and also
inside rtems-tools.

Does this mean that rtems-tools is not required ?

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