Great work and thanks for the report!

I anticipate that we will switch to your new build system after 5.x is
released but that is a community discussion and decision.

Can you quickly remind us all what is needed so a source file can be
considered pre-qualified? Are all of required artifacts and requirements
traceability (e.g. requirements coverage) generated?

Is there any code coverage as part of this?

No complaints. I just want to make sure I understand and it is clear to


On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 8:54 AM Sebastian Huber <> wrote:

> Hello,
> for the ESA pre-qualification activity we would like to have an RTEMS
> build which includes the pre-qualified parts and in addition give
> applications the option to use most of the remaining functionality
> provided by a standard RTEMS (excluded are POSIX signals and timers). To
> achieve this I wrote a new build system for RTEMS based on specification
> items last year as a task of this ESA activity. The RTEMS Project
> decided to not integrate it in RTEMS 5 and postpone this to RTEMS 6
> (maybe). To avoid further delays in the ESA activity I decided to start
> with the modifications for a pre-qualified build on top of the not yet
> integrated new build system.
> I can now build an RTEMS sparc/leon3 BSP which provides potentially
> pre-qualified start.o, librtemsbsp.a, librtemscpu.a, and librtemstest.a
> artifacts. It offers the full set of RTEMS header files and provides
> librtemsbspextra.a, librtemscpuextra.a, librtemstestextra.a, etc.
> libraries as non-pre-qualified components. In the build specification,
> every header and source file belongs exactly one of two pairwise
> disjoint sets (pre-qualified and non-pre-qualified). The source and
> header files necessary for the pre-qualified artifacts are determined by
> the new space profile validation test:
> This test includes all functions of the space profile proposal (except
> device drivers and the interrupt controller API).
> In the pre-qualified set of files for sparc/leon3, there are 242 header
> files, 255 C source files, and 8 assembler source files.
> The pre-qualified set has no reference to the heap free function. To
> achieve this, I wrote more than a hundred patches for RTEMS in 2019 and
> 2020 (thanks for reviewing all this stuff and all the help to find
> better solutions). A change in the space profile is necessary for this
> also. We have to replace the rtems_task_create() function with an
> rtems_task_build() function. This needs to be discussed:
> The application configuration using the pre-qualified artifacts is done
> through the standard <rtems/confdefs.h> header file. To achieve this, I
> had to rework a nearly 4k lines of code header file. I split it into 22
> different header files:
> All 149 application configuration options are now documented and
> (partly) specified:
> How can we verify which source and header files are required for the
> space profile? For this I added a verification build. All files of the
> pre-qualified set are copied to a separate directory, then a build of
> only the pre-qualified artifacts is done in this separate directory
> using the build specification of the corresponding RTEMS sources. Only
> the artifacts and header file in this separate directory are used to
> link the space profile validation test. You can install this build and
> get a BSP installation without the extras. Doing this specialized build
> is done with 11 lines of Python code. Gathering the files necessary for
> this build is done with 57 lines of Python code. You find it here:
> The specification items are in YAML format. I am very happy with this
> file format, however, the Python YAML parser is quite slow. So, I wrote
> an item cache in Python pickle format. It loads the current
> specification (2439 files) in about 0.2 seconds compared to several
> seconds if loaded from YAML.
> The code was written according to the new RTEMS Python Development
> Guidelines:
> The code is formatted by yapf and analyzed by flake8, mypy, and pylint.
> It is tested with pytest. The code coverage through unit tests is:
> coverage report -m
> Name                      Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
> -------------------------------------------------------
> rtemsqual/         8      0   100%
> rtemsqual/     130      0   100%
> rtemsqual/           36      0   100%
> rtemsqual/        133      0   100%
> rtemsqual/        71      0   100%
> rtemsqual/          126      0   100%
> rtemsqual/            26      0   100%
> -------------------------------------------------------
> TOTAL                       530      0   100%
> I found that using the analyzers helped during development and is not a
> burden. I think it improves productivity. You just need to get used to it.
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