Hello Utkarsh Rai,

On 13/05/2020 14:30, Utkarsh Rai wrote:
My GSoC project,  providing thread stack protection support, has to be a user-configurable feature. My question is,  what would be the best way to implement this, my idea was to model it based on the existing system configuration <https://docs.rtems.org/branches/master/c-user/config/intro.html>, but Dr. Gedare pointed out that configuration is undergoing heavy changes and may look completely different in future releases. Kindly advise me as to what would be the best way to proceed.
before we start with an implementation. It would be good to define what a thread stack protection support is supposed to do. Then there should be a concept for systems with a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and a concept for systems with a Memory Management Unit (MMU). MMUs may provide normal 4KiB Pages, large Pages (for example 1MiB) or something more flexible. We should identify BSPs which should have support for this. For each BSP should be a concept. Then we should think about how a user can configure this feature.
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