[It seems Thunderbird misformatted the e-mail, maybe this one looks better.]

Hello Chris,

thanks for the detailed response.

On 08/07/2020 03:55, Chris Johns wrote:
Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for this patch. I am sorry but I would like to see this central repo issue resolved before any generated files are added to any of the project's repos.

I understand to some level the path you are taking and moving along but these generated files are coming from a personal repo that has changes, processes and tools that are not being reviewed. I think it would be wise for us to agree on
what is behind all this before we agree to what is being generated.

I rescheduled some work to be able to provide this patch earlier. Richi Dubey asked a couple of questions with respect to the scheduler implementation and some of them are related to how application configuration options define internal scheduler data structures. So, It would be nice to be able to reference them in Doxygen. You can review this patch independent from the way it is produced.

On 7/7/20 9:25 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
This patch adds the application configuration option documentation generated
from specification items:

<gulp> That is a lot of files. I am not sure I am ready to accept documentation
as a lot of small files. I am happy to be persuaded otherwise.

It is not clear to me if these YAML files generate documentation, headers, are
requirements or something else.

Each application configuration option and group is provided as a separate specification item (YAML file). The type of the specification items is documented here:



Application configuration options are things on their own, so they have their own items. This enables other items to reference application configuration options. In the manual you have now a lot more cross references for example if you compare it with the RTEMS 4.11 documentation. Items have their own history and can be reviewed individually. I see this as benefits.

There is nothing I can see in them that defines
their `role` or `roles`.

When you look at an item


you see attributes like

type: interface

interface-type: appl-config-option

appl-config-option-type: integer

This defines the type of an item. I corresponds to the specification type refinement:





All attributes and the value types are defined by specification item types. The specification item types are defined by specification items:


The type information is used to generate the documentation in the RTEMS Software Engineering manual and is used to verify that the items are in line with the type specification:


If they do generate files how does that happen and how
are those generated header files related to the C code they are an interface

The Doxygen header file of this patch is not read by the C compiler. However, I would like to generate also the API header files from specification items. I am now able to generate <rtems.h> and all header files included by this header which define API elements. About 585 items describe the API defined by <rtems.h>:


This item describes rtems_semaphore_create():


It is worth to have a closer look at this item.

The interface specification items can be used to generate the header files with Doxygen markup, Sphinx sources for the manuals, and an Interface Control Document (ICD, a document required by ECSS).

How do I keep each piece in sync?
The basic work flow would be to update an item, then call one or more scripts, run make or ./waf, or whatever, to generate the derived content. This will alter the state of Git submodules. Then you create patch sets from the changes in the submodules and send them for review. After acceptance you push the changes and update the submodules.
A compile error seems a long way from one
of these YAML files.
Yes, this is a bit harder to correlate. I don't think this will be a real issue. It is for example easy to figure out with "grep" which item is relevant.

For example, if I was to add a YAML file to this directory I have no idea where I look to find the naming, what roles are assumed, how it integrates into the existing documentation, doxygen or header files? I also have no idea how I would create a new API header file? What if I push a new header file to the rtems.git
repo with a new #include in rtems.h. Does a regenerate over write it?

Yes, this is a real issue. We have to think about how we want to continue with the specification stuff in general. I see clear benefits to generate content from a project-wide master data set to avoid the copy and paste stuff we have right now.

It seems to me the key is the central repo and how it functions, how easy or
hard it is to learn about it and how well it will work in practice. A key
concern is taking it from a single person repo, ie you, to a project wide repo
with concurrent updates ad lots of moving pieces. It is easy to ask these
questions and I appreciate they are not all easy to answer but I think we need
to try.
My approach would be to document common tasks for the every day RTEMS maintenance:


You also have to consider the future rate of change. The API parts, application configuration options, and glossary terms for example are all things which don't change every week.

With respect to the code which generates the content. It is written in Python 3 with the new Python guidelines in mind:


It uses yapf for the code formatting. It uses the static analyzers flake8, mypy, and pylint. There are unit tests using pytest which yield 100% branch coverage. It is not finished work. It was not reviewed, but I think it is a good start.

The header file is generated by the following script and module:



The module uses currently a hack to resolve references external to specification items, e.g. sections in the RTEMS Classic API Guide or URLs. I think we need
specialized specification items for these external references.
I do not understand what this means?

Being able to generate Doxygen markup and Sphinx sources from the same data set was not a small task. We talk here about several weeks of work. You can't take it for granted that this works at all in an area with many cross references such as the application configuration options. For all external references I had to create a table in the source code:



This is not really elegant.

Sebastian Huber (1):
Document application configuration options

cpukit/doxygen/appl-config.h | 4133 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 4133 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 cpukit/doxygen/appl-config.h
Is this information found in the user manual as well? I am struggling to
understand the relationships and what is being presented where.

Yes, you find it here for example:


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