On 15/10/2020 08:45, Chris Johns wrote:

It uses an item cache in pickle format. If you start with an empty cache it
needs a couple of seconds. Once the cache is set up it loads in less than
half a
Oh nice, that functionality is part of this code? I had (incorrectly it
assumed the dependency checking was being done by waf.
The wscript uses one pickle file for the complete build specification. The
rtemsspec/item uses one pickle file per directory. This allows faster
updates if
you just modify just one file of the specification.
Could the module be exported or published from rtems-central into
rtems-tools to
it can used? Placing it into rtemstoolkit/rtemsspec/items.py to rtems-tools and
the tool kit can use it?
Yes, but it is written in Python 3.6.
Ah ... but waf is python 2 and 3?
Yes, waf works with Python 2 and 3.
... and it can load the spec files?
We have two independent implementations. One is in the wscript. It is used only for the build system. This is Python 2 and 3. The other one is a Python 3 module with type annotations, etc. intended to be used by tools working with the specification.
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