On 11/12/20 8:58 pm, Stanislav Pankevich wrote:
> Having this said, I would like to avoid pushing the CMake-way of doing things 
> as
> a better way.

Yeah, lets put that to one side. That is a topic for a coffee or a bar ... one
day :)

> Instead, I could contribute feedback to Robin's work here:
> https://github.com/rmspacefish/rtems-cmake
> <https://github.com/rmspacefish/rtems-cmake>. For example, I could do the
> exercise of using his Just 3 files to see if our embedded target would compile
> and run. No hard promises about the time frames though until the Christmas
> holidays :)

Your help in testing and suggesting changes would be most welcome. I think you
would benefit from being able to use a standard RTEMS build with an cmake
compatible method.

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