On 4/4/21 10:37 am, Ayushman Mishra wrote:
> Sir, can you please clarify a little bit what does "each question needs to be 
> a
> section heading of some level" mean , because sir I have used  this "-----" 
> line
> below every question which is a symbol used for showing the sentence as a
> heading in sphinx document and after building the questions are automatically
> shown as 2.10.1, 2.10.2 ... (upto total questions).  

Oh yes it does. Sorry about that.

Hmmm what does this do to the size of the table of contents for HTML and PDF?

I have shortened the length of section headers in the past to remove words that
are not needed to make the columns and TOCs a manageable width.

I am not sure how this could handled in this context with these questions?

Could there be a single FAQ section and then internal references, ie links?
Internal links are ok. And also a link back to the question list after each


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