On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 5:17 PM Joel Sherrill <j...@rtems.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2021, 5:43 PM Vijay Kumar Banerjee <vi...@rtems.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I want to move the common network services like telnetd, tftp, to a
>> separate submodule rtems-net-services. This submodule will be added to
>> the networking stacks, and built using their respective waf modules.
>> The plan is to define macros from the legacy stack waf system, so that
>> the net-services code (like tftp) can make use of the macros without
>> hard coding any values (like the priority in telnetd).
>> I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions in this direction.
> I think this is a great idea and the only way to avoid duplication. I would 
> like to see it have services and what are now on network-demos.
> The complexity is that the network demos are user facing samples and 
> examples. Even though they can be compiled with the default loopback 
> interface, they aren't interesting that way. They need a bsp/lab/stack 
> specific configuration and initialization.
> The network configuration for them needs to be set up such that either stack 
> can be initialised and configured. This probably just means a method called 
> from the independent code and a netconfig.c file which can be specified at 
> configure time

Thanks. I propose to add a default config file, which can be
overwritten when there's manual input by the user. We have taken the
same approach in rtems-littlevgl for the graphics configurations.
Initially, the services repo will have just telnet, and tftp and we'll
expand on top of it, taking feedback from devel as we progress.

> Bonus points if the sample shows a network usage that is applicable in a host 
> environment, the application starts at main() and can be built native or for 
> --joel
>> Best regards,
>> Vijay
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