Hi Pavel,

On Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 1:13 PM Pavel Pisa <ppisa4li...@pikron.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have no technical stuff to share for now,
> but I am happy that work on LwIP alternative
> stack for RTEMS continues on.
> I have question which repo is considered as
> mainline (integration point) for this work.
> Is it devel branch of  Vijay Kumar Banerjee's
> repo
>   https://git.rtems.org/vijay/rtems-lwip.git/
Right now yes. Once this is mature, it will probably be pushed to the
top directory.

> If so, it would worth to put that on the top
> of LwIP RTEMS info page to guide people interested
> to live work and not lose time in another
> abandonned attempts
>   https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/Packages/LWIP
Thanks, I'll add a note there.

> Addition of pointers to STM WIP to some
> central place would worth too with
> pointer to the instructions or instructions
> included...
I haven't tested it myself. Robin is working on this one and might be
able to add the instructions. But this is supposed to be merged into
the repo you mentioned above.

> In the longer term horizon, it would worth
> to get rid of twisted translation layer I have
> introduced initially
> https://git.rtems.org/vijay/rtems-lwip.git/tree/lwip/src/api/rtems_lwip_sysdefs.c?h=devel
> The best option would be if mainline LwIP provides
> configurable option to use external types, enums,
> structures (struct sockaddr) prototypes from libc
> (i.e. NewLib) which would remove this translation.
> I still think that move to LWIP_NETCONN only
> and disable of LWIP_SOCKET could be the way
> forward, but would require to implement own
> layer to switch right NetCon base according
> to socket AF domain, and type. So it would not be
> easy task and solution based on actual FD to LwIP FD
> translation could be used until then.
> Generally I am curious what works and where
> are problems. I do not expect to have time or
> find students this summer but I try to offer
> project as theses and next summer and there
> chance (small) that I find some studnet
> to participate.
I am currently actively working on the lwip port to get it working
with at least a few boards, along with a streamlined build system. I
could only get the BBB running with a telnetd application that I added
in the test/ directory in the rtems-lwip repository. I used the
drivers from TI for BBB.

> This summer is my main interrest with studnets
> work focused on pysimCoder to boost usability.
>   https://github.com/robertobucher/pysimCoder
> It is usable with preemptive GNU/Linux
> on more targets, NuttX and adding support
> for RTEMS would be easy as well.
> Some demo with NuttX
>   https://youtu.be/6HlGk3ecPNQ
> Same targets are supported by our support
> for Matlab/Simulink, RTEMS is on my list
> for this projet for many years as well,
> so if somebody have interrest, I would help
> by advice or some prototype (which I have
> for RTEMS in some hacked state in the past)
>   https://github.com/aa4cc/ert_linux/
> Best wishes,
> Pavel
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