
I received no comments for these in the last two weeks. I assume there are no further objections and I can push the patches to master in about a week so that the bug is fixed at least for 6.

Best regards


Am 27.01.22 um 13:25 schrieb Christian MAUDERER:

again: What can I do to make the patches acceptable?

Best regards


Am 21.01.22 um 11:57 schrieb Christian MAUDERER:

Am 18.01.22 um 12:22 schrieb Christian MAUDERER:

I noted that I still have this patch set open. I first posted it in August 2021 and later pinged it in September 2021. Both times no conclusion has been found. I would like to finally finish this topic and get the patches in an acceptable state. To simplify it a bit, let's only discuss the following two:

* [PATCH rtems 2/2] termios: Pass number of sent chars to l_start

* [PATCH rtems-libbsd] ppp: Fix transmitting data

The third one (or rather first one) is a BSP specific optimization and not necessary for the other two. I'll not push that together with these two. I'll start a separate discussion for it as soon as we are done with these two.

 From my point of view, the best case would be to apply the patches to master and 5. Back when I started the discussion I created tickets for both:


@Gedare: In the following mail thread you asked about tests on further BSPs:


I now finally tested the patches on an i.MXRT BSP. PPP works with the patches and doesn't work without them on that target. That's what I expected. The patches are tested on three serial drivers now:

- ATSAM and i.MXRT: Don't work without patches. Work with them.
- SC16IS752: Works for small packets only without patches. Works well with them.

@Chris: We had two open discussions:

1. A style topic: https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2021-August/068912.html

Like said there, I would prefer not to reformat the whole file as long as we don't do that at least a bit automatic for most files.

2. A discussion about the direction and the necessary API change: https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2021-September/069468.html

Like I explained: That PPP bug exists basically on all BSPs. Depending on how many bytes a serial driver can process in it's write function, PPP works better or worse. My assumption is that at the moment, the PPP runs only on BSPs where it is "well enough" that no one noted the bug.

To fix that bug, the PPP needs the information how many characters have been sent out. My patch set uses our RTEMS default path via rtems_termios_dequeue_characters().

I'm not entirely happy that I had to change the API. But I didn't find a better solution and the API is still compatible. It will only trigger a warning if someone doesn't use that extra parameter. If you have a better idea how the bug could be fixed, I'm open to adapt the patches. But I need a suggestion what would be a better solution because - like I said - I didn't find one.

Best regards


Am 12.08.21 um 13:41 schrieb Christian Mauderer:

this set of patches fixes PPP. Basically the current implementation in
libbsd can't work with console drivers that can't buffer a lot of
characters. The pppstart() function just assumes that the low level
console write can send an arbitrary number of characters without
checking how many characters are actually send.

In the extreme case of the ATSAM interfaces (only one character can be
send at once) it's not even possible to establish a PPP connection with
that. For UARTS that have some FIFO establishing might work but bigger
packets won't go through. I opened tickets for 6 and 5 here:


I would like to apply the patches to both branches (5 and 6).

The solution I implemented in this patch set is the following: PPP
output processing is done in the line discipline function l_start (or
rather the function where l_start points to: pppstart). Our device
writes don't return how many characters have been sent. Instead, that
feedback is given via rtems_termios_dequeue(). Luckily that's the
function that calls the l_start function.

The RTEMS patch for termios extends the l_start function so that it gets
the number of characters as a second argument. This extension shouldn't
be a problem for existing code. In the worst case it will trigger a
warning that the function doesn't match the pointer type. But in the
linked code, that additional argument will just be ignored.

The libbsd patch extends the pppstart function so that it then handles
that new information.

Patches belonging to this set:
* [PATCH rtems 1/2] bsps/atsam: Improve UART / USART tx performance
* [PATCH rtems 2/2] termios: Pass number of sent chars to l_start
* [PATCH rtems-libbsd] ppp: Fix transmitting data

Best regards


embedded brains GmbH
Herr Christian MAUDERER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: christian.maude...@embedded-brains.de
phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 18
fax:   +49-89-18 94 741 - 08

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