
With Matthew addressing new warnings from GCC 12, I thought it would be
good to remind everyone that the RTEMS Project has access to two static
analysis tools. As you work, fix bugs/warnings, etc., please remember to
look at the results for the area of code you are touching from the static
analysis tools we have access to:

+ Coverity - https://scan.coverity.com/

+ Codiga - https://app.codiga.io/login?next=/home

Hopefully both of those URLs get you close enough. You will have to ask for
permission to see RTEMS results with both tools.

I should have rtems, rtems-tools, and newlib running automatically. You can
get email from Coverity to report if any issues were added or fixed per
run. Codiga is newer for us and operational experience is lacking. Help

Both run on pushes. Coverity has a max of three runs a day per repository.

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