On 18/4/2023 1:48 pm, Gedare Bloom wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 6:48 PM Aaron Nyholm
> <aaron.nyh...@unfoldedeffective.com> wrote:
>> As for the RTEMS_FLASHDEV_MAX_REGIONS being set at 32 I chose the value as 
>> it seamed a good balance between memory usage and function. I wanted to 
>> avoid using malloc as your previous feedback suggested. If configurable size 
>> is necessary what’s the best way to approach it without using malloc?
> A configure-time option may be viable, e.g., spec/build/cpukit/opt*
> You should probably elevate that question to its own email thread to
> get other opinions.

Is there an option that shows how to control a defined in an API header?

I have a quick look and could not see anything.

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