On 23.05.23 02:42, Chris Johns wrote:
On 22/5/2023 6:29 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
On 22.05.23 01:48, Chris Johns wrote:
The support for the CSafeLoader is just about 60 lines of additional code.
It would be a nice improvement for systems supporting this feature. I don't have
time to work on adding PyYAML with libyaml to the RTEMS Tools right now and I
think this would open another maintenance issues. If someone would be unable to
get a yaml module with a CSafeLoader, then he would be no longer able to build
It is not about the size of the implementation, it is about making 2 classes of
performance, those with and those without csafe. I am a firm believer all
developers and especially core developers need to be using the exact same tools
and code our community users are using. We did not always do this and it
resulted in the developers being disconnected from the user experience and I
decided I would do what I could to avoid this happening again.

I really don't see the issue here. It is just the way to load the items from the
file system. This is a very isolated task in the build and having two ways to do
this is not a big deal from my point of view.

Great, lets not go down this path and we all use the same process.

The CSafeLoader approach makes my work more efficient, so I will definitely use it.

In regards to PyYAML there are a few basic issues with it that I am not sure
about. The package can be built without support for the C library even if it is
installed. I cannot tell if a pip installed version is using the C YAML package
or not. I would like more certainty across our supported hosts before agreeing
to us using it.

I think it is just too complicated to make sure that the user has a PyYAML with
the CSafeLoader available when RTEMS is built. A more robust approach is a fall
back to the current implementation if needed.

Maybe we move away from YAML for the build system data? Amar and I originally
had python and INI files.

This discussion started with a proposal to switch to JSON:


The INI format is a simple key-value format with no support for hierarchical data, so not suitable from my point of view.

Using Python code could be an option, however, this gives the writer of the files more freedom and room for creativity. On lesson learnt from converting the autoconf/automake build to the new build system is, that this may cause some issues.

embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de
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