Hello Premysl,

On 03.03.23 14:32, Pavel Pisa wrote:
I have contacted Premysl Houdek who worked on project during
his RTEMS GSoC and followup diploma thesis


and he is prepared to confirm relicensing to any RTEMS fitting
open source license.

I have now a bit of time to continue working on the TMS570LC4357 support. I noticed that several files of the BSP still have the old RTEMS license or no license header. I would like to change them to BSD-2-Clause license. Premysl, would you mind giving permission to this licence change for your RTEMS contributions? If yes, then please add a note like this to https://devel.rtems.org/ticket/3053:

I grant permission to the RTEMS Project to relicense my current and future contributions to the RTEMS public source to be relicensed to the 2-Clause BSD License.

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