I am trying to run freebsd aarch64 12.x on qemu to know whether freebsd
supports usb or not. following
https://gist.github.com/ctsrc/a1f57933a2cde9abc0f07be12889f97f and getting
error when running with qemu
command i am using to build is

qemu-system-aarch64 \
                                    -M virt \
                                    -smp 4 \
                                    -m 4096 \
file=pflash0.img,format=raw,if=pflash,readonly=on \
file=pflash1.img,format=raw,if=pflash \
                                    -device virtio-gpu-pci \
                                    -display default,show-cursor=on \
                                    -device qemu-xhci \
                                    -device usb-kbd \
                                    -device usb-tablet \
                                    -device intel-hda \
                                    -device hda-duplex \
                                    -nographic \
                                    -serial mon:stdio

and Error i am getting is this
```qemu-system-aarch64: device requires 67108864 bytes, block backend
provides 2097152 bytes```

does anyone tried running freebsd aarch 12 or freebsd arm 12 on qemu
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