A friendly reminder that bids are due before March 4th, 2022 AOE:

The seL4 foundation is seeking to contract support for the following duties:
- address open github issues in the seL4 organisation repositories, with 
prioritisation directed by the TSC delegates; this includes:
   - documentation, tutorials
   - bugs
   - tests
   - docsite and possibly website in coordination with Foundation people
- help keeping an eye on making sure questions on mailing lists, discourse and 
github issues are answered (by someone)

Requirement for the person working on these tasks are:
- multiple years of experience with seL4, both at kernel level and user-level 
- good familiarity with the seL4 organisation repositories
- active contributor to one or more seL4 repositories
- fluent in written and spoken English

The seL4 foundation would contract a service company, initially for 6 months. 
The service company should identify the person that will be performing the 
work, ideally on a full-time basis.

To bid for the contract, send email to foundation@sel4.systems before March 
4th, 2022 AOE, with the resume of the person that will be performing the work 
and a cover letter addressing the requirements.


Dr. Birgit Brecknell

Project Officer

Trustworthy Systems, UNSW, birgit.breckn...@unsw.edu.au

seL4 Foundation, birgit@sel4.systems

0433 880 571

Mon 9am-5pm

Wed 9am-12pm
Fri 9am-5pm

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