Hi Ivan

Thanks for information about xkb details. Unfortunately I can't
reproduce the problem any more. :-(

Best regards,

On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 12:53:37PM +0600, Ivan Pascal wrote:
>    Hi,
> Stefan Dirsch wrote:
> > 
> > The "TerminateServer" keycode combination 
> > 
> >     key <BKSP> {
> >         type="CTRL+ALT",
> >         symbols[Group1]= [ BackSpace,   Terminate_Server ]
> >     };
> > 
> > is missing for nearly all keyboard symbol tables. Currently (CVS version
> > from today) it is only included for
> > 
> > czsk
> > dvorak
> > jp
> > srvr_ctrl
> > tel
> > us
> > us_group2
> > us_group3
> > vn
>   Even more. Keys such as Return, Escape, arrow keys, function keys and
> some other also are missing for nearly all symbol files.
>   The thing is all those files are _partial_ keyboard symbol maps and must
> never be used alone.
>   If you run a setxkbmap with a high verbose level
> xkbcomp <layout name> -v 10
> you will see something like :
>   ...
>   Trying to build keymap using the following components:
>   ...
>   symbols:    pc/pc(pc104)+pc/de
> or for some layouts you can get something like:
>   ...
>   symbols:    en_US(pc104)+ca
> Thus you see a complete keyboard map is a combination of at least two files
> (actually more files are involved in the composition becouse each of files
> listed in the setxkbmap output can have an 'include' instruction which adds
> some other files to the final map).
>   Also you can get a shapshot of the current keymap using an xkbcomp keyboard
> compiler in a 'decompiler mode':
> xkbcomp $DISPALY <filename>
> and search the terminate key in the complete map.
> > and therefore only works for these.
>   If you specify (in the XF86Config file or as setxkbcomp arguments) them
> as an XkbSymbols value it really doesn't work like Return, Escape and many
> other keys that in this case don't work too.
>   But if you specify them as xkb layout names it should work.
> > Any plans to change this for 4.3 final release?
>  No plans, I think.
> -- 
>  Ivan U. Pascal         |   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Administrator of     |   Tomsk State University
>      University Network |       Tomsk, Russia
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