On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Kevin Brosius wrote:

> > > Is there a known problem with accelerated fills on some ATI cards at
> > > depth 24?  Using an ATI Rage XL (depth 16 log available at
> > > http://kevb.net/files/XFree86_ATI_16.log) at depth 24, I notice
> > > corrupted fill backgrounds on the text in xf86cfg.  To reproduce, start
> > > xf86cfg, open Expert mode (clicking on the upper right text box) and
> > > then open up some of the config file field text boxes.  Patterned fill
> > > space behind the text is garbage on my card (stipple problem?)  I'm
> > > unable to capture a shot of the window of xf86cfg for some reason, both
> > > xv and scrot either will not capture, or capture only background behind
> > > this app, so I can't illustrate the problem.

> > > Option "noaccel" solves the problem, as does running at depth 16.  Depth
> > > 24 log available on request.

> > I assume you mean depth 24/32?  If so, does the problem show in 24/24?

> The default, which I see is 24/32.  I've also seen it happen at depth 16
> now, but not so far at 24/24 in about a half dozen trials.

> Interestly, in depth 16 if I switch away from the server and back again,
> forcing a redraw, that sometimes fixes the pattern.

> Depth 24/24 log at http://kevb.net/files/XFree86_ati_24_24.log
> 24/32 log at http://kevb.net/files/XFree86_nokill_nomouse.log

Could you narrow this down to the XAA primitive causing the problem?  The
driver currently accelerates screen-to-screen copies, solid fills, 8x8
mono pattern fills, scanline CPU-to-screen colour expansion and (other
than for 24bpp) solid lines.



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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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