Ivan Pascal writes:
 > - or move the special action to the compatibility map.
 >   In the second case we need to introduce some new keysyms (something like
 > xf86_Next_VMode, xf86_Prev_Mode, xf86_Ungrab, etc.).  But we even don't need
 > to add them to the keysymdef.h file but can use the lib/X11/XKeysymDB file
 > instead.
 >   I have tested both solutions and it works in both cases.  And I can make
 > a patch quickly.  But we have to chose one.
 >   As for me I prefer the second one becouse it is the way used for all other
 > xkb actions.

Your second solution seems the best way th maintain 
as much backward compatibility as possible as this 
should make the new functions also available to the 
Core Protocol keysym remapping.


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