On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Mark Vojkovich wrote:

> >    I just noticed that if I use a large root window cursor it doesn't
> > work anymore.  Actually I see a brief flash of it then it disappears.
> > It looks to me like HW/SW cursor switching has broken.  Can someone
> > else confirm this?

>    It appears to be broken only if you say you support ARGB cursors.
> I've seen pretty erratic behavior.  Sometimes it seems like SW/HW
> cursor switching works and then I switch VTs and come back and it
> doesn't work.  It looks like the SW cursor goes up but then something
> promptly removes it.  Also, I've seen SetCursorColors called while
> ARGB cursors are displayed.  This causes the nv driver to recolor
> and install the last core cursor it saw.

Do you say you support both ARGB and traditional hardware cursors?  If you
you shouldn't be seeing any software cursors.

>    I hope this is just because I haven't synced up in a few days

Possible.  There was an eleventh-hour fix that went in.

> (doesn't build).

Soon.  Soon.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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