On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, Kendall Bennett wrote:

>I am trying to debug XFree86 at the source code level on Red Hat 8.0 but 
>not having much like. I force installed gdb-5.1.1-2.0xfree from the RPM 
>file from Red Hat's site, but when I do 'gdb X' gdb crashes with a 
>segmentation fault. 

gdb-xfree is currently not completely working solidly in 8.0 and
later.  It works for me to some extent but isn't perfect.  I
don't really grok gdb internals too well though, so I've gotten
our gdb engineers to look into fixing gdb for once and for all in
stock FSF gdb.  No ETA unfortunately, but I'll likely announce it
on devel@ though when there's something to play with that is

>Any ideas what could be causing this? Should I try to get the patches for 
>GDB, install the source from the RH8 CD and try building my own version 
>of GDB from the patched source code to see if that fixes it?

Try rebuilding the src.rpm I've got there first.  That works for 
me on x86, but does have some stability issues.  Other archs 
don't seem to work at all with it though.  I haven't had the 
time/patience yet to try to figure out why.

Mike A. Harris

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