Hello, ...

I am currently developping a new driver for a not yet supported graphic
card. It used to work well as long as i was working with a mid January
cvs snapshot, but i recently upgraded to 4.3.0 sources and built a
driver from that, and since then i am experiencing X server crash when
the mouse reaches the bottom of the screen. I did not encounter this
problem before, nor does it appear when i use the vesa driver.

My driver is currently unaccelerated and does not support HW cursor, i
use shadowfb though (both with the driver and with the vesa driver).

I tried running X trought gdb to get a bit more info, but it just froze
the box, so i am a bit at a loss about finding what is going on, and
would greatly appreciate some measure of help.

The previous snapshot i was using did not seem to use the ARGB_Cursor
thingy, and as the crashes happen when i bring the cursor to the bottom
of the screen, it may be linked with that. It does not happen all the
time when i bring the cursor at the bottom of the screen. It does not
happen when all i have is background, but it does happen when i am over
the gnome 2.2 panel, or if there is a few pixels of background between
my xterm and the bottom of the screen. When in the gnome panel, it does
not happen all the time, but only when on some icon or something which
usually change color when i pass over it, and when part of the cursor is
out of the screen in the bottom part.

It does not happen when i move the gnome panel to the right or left of
the screen and when part of the cursor is outside the screen.

This is really strange to me, since the driver doesn't do any
acceleration, and even the pixmap cache and OS memory management is not
enabled, so i am rather lost, please someone help me out with this, or
at least give me some indication as to what to do.


Sven Luther
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