On Thu, 29 May 2003, Robert Millan wrote:

> I'm porting Xfree86 to a new OS it doesn't have support for. After
> reading the docs, it seems to indicate i have to write a new
> config/cf/*.cf file with configuration parameters for my system.

> writing the file is no problem, as i have plenty of examples to
> start with, but i don't know what name i should give it so that
> the build system recognises it.

> i see that imake is called with "-Iconfig/cf" flag, then searches
> in the directory for a particular name. what is it? utsname.sysname?
> one of the OsName defines in imake.c? and if it does some parsing
> (eg, uncapitalise), what kind of?

Add a section for your system in xc/config/cf/Imake.cf, one that doesn't
conflict with any other section.  You might (and only might) also need to
play in xc/config/imake/imakemdep.h, especially if this system needs
special command line #define's to be recognised.


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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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