I'd like to propose adding a XvMCCopySurfaceToGLXPbuffer function
to XvMC.  I have implemented this in NVIDIA's binary drivers and
am able to do full framerate HDTV video textures on the higher end
GeForce4 MX cards by using glCopyTexSubImage2D to copy the Pbuffer
contents into a texture.

XvMCCopySurfaceToGLXPbuffer (
  Display *display,
  XvMCSurface *surface,
  XID pbuffer_id,
  short src_x,
  short src_y,
  unsigned short width,
  unsigned short height,
  short dst_x,
  short dst_y,
  int flags

   This function copies the rectangle specified by src_x, src_y, width,
  and height from the XvMCSurface denoted by "surface" to offset dst_x, dst_y 
  within the pbuffer identified by its GLXPbuffer XID "pbuffer_id".
  Note that while the src_x, src_y are in XvMC's standard left-handed
  coordinate system and specify the upper left hand corner of the
  rectangle, dst_x and dst_y are in OpenGL's  right-handed coordinate 
  system and denote the lower left hand corner of the destination 
  rectangle in the pbuffer.

  If flags is not XVMC_FRAME_PICTURE, the src_y and height are in field
  coordinates, not frame.  That is, the total copyable height is half
  the height of the XvMCSurface.  

    XvMCCopySurfaceToGLXPbuffer does not return until the copy to the
  pbuffer has completed.  XvMCCopySurfaceToGLXPbuffer is pipelined
  with XvMCRenderSurface so no explicit synchronization between 
  XvMCRenderSurface and XvMCCopySurfaceToGLXPbuffer is needed.
    The pbuffer must be of type GLX_RGBA, and the destination of the
  copy is the left front buffer of the pbuffer.  Success is returned
  if no error occured, the error code is returned otherwise.

    Possible Errors:

       XvMCBadSurface - The surface is invalid.

       BadDrawable - The pbuffer_id is not a valid pbuffer.

       BadMatch - The pbuffer is not of type GLX_RGBA or the
                  pbuffer does not have a front left buffer.

  XvMCCopySurfaceToGLXPbuffer is supported if the following flag:

#define XVMC_COPY_TO_PBUFFER 0x00000010

  is set in the XvMCSurfaceInfo's flags field.

  I'd like to bump the API version up to 1.1 and add this.  


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