possibly a twm bug, I would suggest trying another window manager
like fvwm.

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> Hello
> I am a newbie to X.
> I compiled from source the 4.2 version, on QNX 4.25, using TCP/IP 4.23
> suite, with Watcom 10.6.
> All works fine, except when I was testing fltk 1.1.4rc1. Running one of the
> tests,
> ( specifically, the ?tile? test/demo for those who know the toolkit )
> suddenly all twm decorations gone, leaving all windows intact.
> Also, a previous test window appeared. Of course, a ps run showed that twm
> was not running.
> I could shutdown all the thing normally, because my last xterm was in the
> foreground.
> Later, I tried to reproduce the behaviour, with no success. Also, I
> redirected twm?s stdout and stderr to files trying to catch some error
> message.
> What I don?t know if this may be a twm ?glitch? ( flaw ? ) or a fltk one.
> Could someone help me regarding
> a) How to catch twm errors/warnings ( is there a specific log option ? )
> b) Has twm some known weaknesses ?
> c) migth the twm failure be caused by a XFree86 misbehaviour due to my
> specific platfform/compile combination ? which one (s) ?
> d) has the fltk toolkit some known flaws ?
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