On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 06:04:19PM +0200, Wouter Bijlsma wrote:
> > In general, reverse engineering drivers tends to irritate hardware 
> > companies.  Since we want to maintain good working relationships with 
> > these companies, so that they will give us documentation and sample 
> > boards, we're better off not irritating them.  That's not to mention the 
> > fact that it's very difficult to get anything useful out of it.
> > 
> > The problem WRT 3D on the whole range of IGP chipsets is that the 
> > relevant DRI developers don't have access to the hardware.  Moreover, 
> > most of them don't have the bandwidth to work on debugging the problems.
> Ok, I understand RE might irritate HW companies and that this is not a
> good thing. I already sent a really polite e-mail about support for the
> IGP chipsets to ATI, and I hope a lot of people will do the same. The
> problem is that (as I see it) more and more companies are closing up their
> specs anyway (nVidia, but they never even provided specs of their chips,

Agreed. Matrox Gxxx family is quite outdated compared with today's top
cards, but even now everybody looks for these cards on various mailing
lists (eg in our project named mplayer) just because that card is quite
WELL supported ... nVidia releases binary only drivers, yes. But I would
like to use framebuffer, or something similar to our mga_vid driver
(XVideo like overlay on framebuffer, so using BES) so I have no idea
to buy nVidia because I need it with Linux and _NO_ windows etc ...
If nVidia would be well supported like Matrox of course I would consider
to buy nVidia cards ...

- Gábor (larta'H)
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