Kirill Semenkov writes:
 >               Hello,
 > It is a bug report for savage driver.
 > I have problems with Savage video adapter (ProSavage PM133, 8MB RAM) at resolutions 
 > higher than
 > 1024x768 at 24 bpp: any changing in a window (I mean window resizing and moving) 
 > causes screen glitches and "snow". I checked 8bpp and 16bpp up to 1600x1200 - 
 > everything worked fine 
 > (but 1600x1200 required option "UseBIOS" "false"). For 24 bpp I tried
 > all the options for the savage driver (NoAccel, HWcursor, SWcurson, UseBIOS and so 
 > on). Nothing helped.
 > Is it a bug (as I beleive) in savage driver or a restriction of the card itself at 
 > 24 bpp?

Possibly the latter. The bandwidth of the chip isn't wide enough to
handle both graphics operations and  framebuffer refresh in that
You may want to try a lowver pixel clock. 
It is possibly that the chip can get tuned to this mode (by increasing
the memory clock for example) however the driver currently doesn't
offer this feature.

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