An interesting question appeared on bugzilla (ID #412).

According to the man page of XListInputDevices() the string
returned in the name field of the XDeviceInfo struct is
supposed to be one listed in XI.h.
In reality it is a name specified by the driver. The same is
true for the type (which according to the XInput Proto specs
is supposed to be an atom for one of the predefiend device
types) which however is assigned an Atom according to the 
driver-specified type.
Returning a device type both as an atom and as a string doesn't
seem to make sense. I would assume that type should be a predefined
'type' to allow an application to identify what kind of devices
exist while 'name' should identify the type and model of the 
device uniquly and should therefore be a string choosen by the
I assum that this was the intention. Looking at the code in

        local->atom = MakeAtom(local->name,
        AssignTypeAndName (dev, local->atom, local->name);

It should however have been:

        local->atom = MakeAtom(local->type_name,
        AssignTypeAndName (dev, local->atom, local->name);
As type_name is set to one of the predefined device type names in
most input drivers. Some drivers set it to local->name which I believe
is wrong.

Any opinions?

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