>Mark Vojkovich wrote:
>... Even XAA can't use
>xf86AllocateLinear because it doesn't know about hardware alignment
>contraints.  In XAA, the root window extends downward and offscreen
>pixmaps are just windows that are offscreen.  There is no mechanism
>to take a linear allocation and make a hardware pixmap out of it.

Well, I dont care too strongly about using xf86AllocateLinear myself.
I just need some method of encapsulating (locked down) offscreen video
memory, in a manner that I can also leverage the 2d hardware acceleration .
Mostly just bitblits. I dont care too much about the other stuff;
 while it might be useful if available, it's not the crucial issue.
 XAACopyArea() seems to explicitly have code for the case of

Do you have a suggestion for the best way my extension module could
allocate an "offscreen pixmap" that would not get swapped out to system
Or, just faking out XAACopyArea() enough to work in most cases?
Or even

A related question:
Is it reasonably valid to "cheat" the XAA routines, calling

  SubsequentScreenToScreenCopy(pscrn, srcx,srcy, dstx, dsty,w,h)

and make 'fake' srcx,srcy coordinates for my offscreen memory area?

This has the "disadvantage" that I would have to allocate my related
offscreen areas sparsely like visible windows, I think(?), but that would
be acceptible to me.

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