As I was the one who pointed you to this list I think
I should answer this:

If you woul like to do driver work there is a list of drivers which
are little maintained at the moment.
This list incudes:
cirrus (alpine and laguna)
s3 (not s3Virge or savage)
silicon motion

(I don't know who currently maintains the
i128 and r128)

Of those listed above the last three - especially the silicon motion -
are the most importand ones.
If you'd like to you can pick one of those and play with them.
This of course depends on which HW is available to you.


Lucas Correia Villa Real writes:
 > Hi,
 >      I have been reading the XFree86 X server draft found in 
 > Firstly, I would like to thanks 
 > for the excellent quality of the documentation seen there. Secondly, I would 
 > like to know if is there something I can aid on TODO tasks, such as some 
 > driver needing major assistance. As an undergraduate student, I still can 
 > enjoy my spare time doing these cool things :)
 >      Actually, all I did was recursivelly grep for "TODO" on hw/xfree86/drivers 
 > and choose one of the results to implement (I did choose the easiest one, 
 > recognize when CLGD7548 has 2MBs of RAM, just to get in touch with the code), 
 > but I wonder if is there something else not marked as TODO needing more 
 > attention. 
 >      Moreover, I have some personal projects I would like to do with video cards, 
 > such as adding asymmetric multiprocessing support to the Linux kernel by 
 > using some video card instructions (vectorial ones) instead of using CPU 
 > cycles to do that, hence my major interest is to aid on video drivers. Also, 
 > given this subject, if someone can suggest me a good card with available 
 > specs I could give a look on, I will be very glad.
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Lucas
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