On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Alexander Stohr wrote:

>> From: Mike A. Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> I plan on replacing the Cards database in Red Hat Linux with a
>> new mechanism sometime in the future which will be much more
>> flexible, allow per architecture overrides, allow the config tool
>> to know what hardware supports DRI and on what specific
>> architectures, and other useful things that are desperately
>> needed.  This would also allow drop in drivers to also drop in 
>> new database files which could supplement the database that comes 
>> with the OS, or override specific entries, or allow multiple 
>> drivers to be alternatives for a particular card.
>> Mike A. Harris
>it would then be nice if those helper files will be split
>on a per vendor or better on a per driver sheme.
>At least for maintainance and on needs for a special
>tweaking that will help people a lot. Maybe that
>should be split up on a per CPU or platform base 
>to reduce the amount of date for a specific platform.
>just a few suggestions - there might be better ideas around.

Yes, that is part of the design plan for my new scheme.  I 
haven't finalized it and it is kindof back burnered right now, 
however once I have the time to work on it again, and I get it to 
the point where I think I've covered most/all of the bases, I'll 
probably post the new design spec for feedback and commentary.

Per driver / vendor could theoretically both be done in the new 
scheme, as the files merely get aggregated together with some 
rules for overriding.  The tricky stuff that I need to spend some 
time on is handling multiple architectures and OS's cleanly and 
sanely, which as you can expect is quite complex to do in one 
framework, particularly when I want the end result to be very 
simple to understand and build db files.  ;o)

If anyone has any suggestions in the mean time for a better 
database format, feel free to suggest them, and if my spec didn't 
already account for it, and it sounds like a good idea, I'll try 
to work in any suggestions before posting.

Mike A. Harris

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