On 10 Jul 2003, Alexander Pohoyda wrote:

> > > >  > http://www.alexander-pohoyda.privat.t-online.de/patches/twm.Imakefile.diff

> > > > Can you elaborate on why is it useful to switch from single quote
> > > > quoting to backslashes?

> > > It may be not useful as much, but with an old version we end up
> > > calling a command:
> > > [...] cc -c [...] -DHAS_MKSTEMP  
> > > '-DSYSTEM_INIT_FILE="'/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm'/system.twmrc"' parse.c
> > > which is not consistent, does not look very nice and requires more
> > > processing by the shell.

> > ... but is still required for portability reasons.

> Oh! Good to know. Thanks.
> May I also ask on which system/shell/compiler/imake would my patch fail?
> Just for the record.

With your change, on IRIX, I get:

[aurora:/scratch_large/root/X11/alpha/loader/xc/programs] make SUBDIRS=twm Makefiles
making Makefiles in programs/twm...
        mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
cc-1018 cc: ERROR at end of source
  An unmatched left parentheses "(" appears in an expression.

cc-1247 cc: ERROR File = ./Imakefile, Line = 27
  The macro invocation is improperly terminated.


2 errors detected in the compilation of "Imakefile.c".
../../config/imake/imake: Exit code 2.
*** Error code 1 (bu21)
UX:make: ERROR: make: file `Makefile' line 5: Must be a separator (: or ::) for rules 
UX:make: ERROR: make: file `Makefile' line 5: bad character > (octal 76)

> I'm wondering how this can work then:

> ./xc/programs/xkbcomp/Imakefile:ROOT_DEFINES = 
> ./xc/programs/xdm/Imakefile:RANDOM_DEFINES = -DDEV_RANDOM=\"/dev/urandom\"

Those are not macro expansions (in the cpp sense).


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