On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, Andrew Bevitt wrote:

> >     You can try to substitute cc -c by cc -E and look at the produced code.
> That only prints out a whole load of code and includes to the terminal.

Yes :)  It runs the preprocessor on the source and nothing else.

> From what I can see its no different to the code in the files and doesnt
> really give me any clues.

Pipe it into less and search for I2CDevPtr - see if it is defined weirdly
as a typedef.

It might be a #define instead - you'll be able to see that inside the
DDCRead_DDC2() function.

You search inside less with the '/' command:  Type /I2CDevPtr<enter>, for
example.  Use 'n' and 'p' to skip between the matches.

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