Hello, there.

I'm currently working on an implementation of XEmbed, and have run
into a problem with XSetInputFocus. Please redirect me to the right
forum if this was posted to the wrong place.

What I'm troubled with is Keyboard Focus, described here:


"In detail, the topmost embedder creates a not-visible X Window to
hold the focus, the focus proxy. (It might be a 1x1 child window of
toplevel located at -1,-1.) Since the focus proxy isn't an ancestor of
the client window, the X focus can never move into the client window
because of the mouse pointer location. In other words, whenever the
outer window is activated (receives the X input focus), it has to put
the X focus on the FocusProxy by calling XSetInputFocus()."

 focusProxy-> *____________
              |A           |
              |    ______  |
              |   |B     | |
              |   |______| |
              |            |

So I have a window A with a focusproxy child window, measuring 1x1 at
-1,-1, and I call XSetInputFocus on this focusproxy with

-> To emphasize, B isn't a child window of A (in XEmbed, the
"embedder").  B is a window created by a seperate application, which
has called XReparentWindow to reparent B into A. So B is the XEmbed
"client". B actually fully covers A, so the size difference in my art
is just for clarity.

The problem is that the focusproxy receives all keyboard events only
if the mouse pointer is outside window A (the embedder window). On or
outside the window decorations, doesn't matter as long as the mouse
pointer is outside window A.

If the mouse pointer is inside window A, window B gets the keyboard
events directly. If I move the mouse pointer out of the window A
again, my focusproxy gets keyboard events again.

Installing an x11 event filter gives me the EnterNotify and
LeaveNotify for A and B as I cross the border of window A. I also get
a KeymapNotify, and I guess (having no clue really) that this is X11's
way of telling me that A isn't getting keyboard events anymore.

So my question is this: Is the XEmbed protocol broken, is my X11
server broken, or is my code broken, and in which way.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

Andreas :-)

Andreas Aardal Hanssen

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