On 13 Aug 2003, John Dennis wrote:

> These are issues that go beyond cached vs. uncached memory but can cause
> symptoms that are similar. Some of the issues may be due to PCI bridges,
> but I personally do not feel I understand PCI bridge issues well enough
> to make assertions. (For example bridges have complex rules on queuing
> transactions, delays, retrys, etc. If a bridge transaction timeouts, as
> I think is the case with VGA data which seems to be slower, then a
> bridge is susposed to return all ones which is what I was seeing, but I
> think this is only for PCI configuration cycles, not regular memory
> cycles, and here is a good example of where my understanding starts to
> break down :-(

No.  In XFree86 4.3 at least, you will _always_ get all ones on master
aborts, whether the cycles be for configuration, I/O or memory.  The
alternative isn't pretty:  master aborts would kill the system with no OS
recourse, i.e. the so-called (and braindead) hard-fail behaviour.

How many bridges are between the CPU and the nVidia?  And by "bridges" I
mean PCI-to-PCI bridges, not host bridges.  If none, or only AGP (as I
suspect is the case here), the only explanation I see is that the nVidia
somehow schedules VGA accesses at a lower priority, something I find hard
to believe.

I'd check if increasing PCI timeouts along the path to the nVidia makes
any difference.

BTW, I/O port 0x80, on ix86, is the BIOS POST port, and I don't think
SlowBCopy() should continue to assume 0x80 remains free for that purpose
for very much longer, even on ix86, let alone other archs.


|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
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XFree86 Core Team member.  ATI driver and X server internals.

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