Since this problem comes up quite frequently I have made an article

about how to do this.


Andrew C Aitchison writes:
 > On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, [gb2312] dddd tom wrote:
 > > I want to hide the cursor when I using touchscreen in XFree86 4.20,
 > > I found that this quesstion have been discussed three times,but no 
 > > answer.Then,does this means I can't hide the cursor at all?
 > > Can "xsetroot" resolve this problem?
 > > I tried but faild.I just can't change the cursor with it.
 > I think that X fundamentally requires that you have exactly one cursor.
 > You can however change the way it looks by changing the cursor font.
 > You can write a cursor font which has an invisible cursor, so the user 
 > will not see anything.
 > (I don't remember the syntax, but there several ways of changing 
 > cursor font).
 > The only problem I see with that is that any application can change the 
 > cursor font, and some applications use their own font, so you can't
 > guarantee that a cursor will never appear. However this will only happen
 > when such an application has focus, so should not be a major problem.
 > -- 
 > Andrew C Aitchison
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