>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Vojkovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mark> I'm getting the suspicion that aliased fonts are getting
Mark> substituted for antialiased fonts in some of these benchmarks
Mark> people are posting.

The problem is that x11perf asks for:


and fontconfig calls the t1 font 'bitstream charter'.

Adding this bit to fonts.conf or ~/.fonts.conf will force the use of
the t1 version rather than the bitmap version:

        <match target="pattern">
                <test qual="any" name="family">
                <edit name="family" mode="assign">
                        <string>bitstream charter</string>

The takes my x11perf -aa24text numbers down from the order of
1.5 M reps/s to the order of 11 k reps/s.  OTOH, if I tell it to
use a ttf font rather than a t1 font, I get OTOO 14 k reps/s.
An (Adobe-style) otf font results in 12 k reps/s.

So, (glyf) ttf fonts are rendered fastest in the test, followed by
(cff ) otf fonts and pfb/pfa type1 fonts a bit slower than that.


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