Hi John, 

Thanks for mail and … 

here is my answer;  

Is hard, and ….

what can I say; is bad, very bad; and most republicans don't even see it;

Our Retirement money get stolen, even our grandkids money get stolen

In just 2 years all Americans end up in Jail, because of lie.

Blowing Up dying terrorism for the purpose of profit and blackmail whole Nation:

Communism no longer exist;  - we abolish it all;

they did enjoyed scary everyone to the max for years;

So they   re-Invented Terrorism  in PNAC

Here we are;

Guess we back to Nero Time; 

destroy own nation for wild, sick happiness & steal $$;

I'm very worry, desperate PNAC may do 3rd Pearl Harbor to US.

Second is here:  1997


page 48 Clinton economy is good

page 51 on document or 63 / on Acrobat viewer.. 

- We have to have major attack on America first, to convince people


Did they convinced you ??  -  not me …  but I see Herbert in it

I was born Free and will never give up !!


Arnold or Adolph, what the different;   D A N K E, 

will Terminate US all & California first

Prescott  help Adolph, George him & Enron; 

Gasoline $4 per gallon is just the beginning.

Actor = skilled liar, how can we trust them ?

I heard,  his porno job is for sale;





 Hitler, Noriega, Hussein, bin Laden, Pinochet 
did business with the Bush family.

Now we do business with Bush as well;  

$500 000 000 000 is gone, missing, and make US poor

Perfect Taxpayers Rip Off -  MONEY LAUNDRY 

true Iraq repair kidding,  - direct to own pocket,

Isn't this a crime ??  + Lie of war reasons, and lie, and lie, and lie.

Please look on this and think by yourself; where we are going ??  

Or PNAC push us there, like stick to a blind sheep.

Start thinking on your own, please. 









listen       810 AM;    Bernie,   Genie,  Ray only    (night time)

Stalin made own election;      ARE   WE   STILL   FREE  ? 

How many Concentration Camps do they need today ?  

one for sure is on Cuba.

Patriot Act 2 (patriots fuck twice) may put there

more than Mc Cartney commission

They dream of DRAFT .. and put 20 000 000 our boys for free

 - to Conquer the World ...

( Hitler had 10 000 000 only 

& German Empire died in 5 years, killing 50 000 000 )

How long will last   PNAC -  Bush  Empire, to  a Global Nuclear War ?

What next; we did seen many times;  on futuristic films;

If,  after that news - you can't sleep too well -;   

get Warren book;   " The Governor " 

and try understand  - how to blackmail Congress 

Or movie films;

" Enemy of the State"  that most of us  today
" Spy like US "    - abusing power by top managers
" Air America "   - how marihuana come to US

It may happened, Pentagon will have to arrest White House

 and his own " Liar in Chief" to save USA

On the base of George Washington Legacy

Sorry for not sending this as attachment, 

but recently we got so many viruses in it; multiplying, destroying & redirecting 

E-mails, computers and servers, 

I'm scary of any attachments at all, will not send them to anyone too. 

It happened once, my mail visit wrong places before, so I'm twice careful now

( Thanks to;  angry Iraq - for radioactive bombing, China with Whore Culture, and 

War President & his bible "PNAC" inventing Terrorism 

& new Pearl Harbor: 

http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf )

I did fired few Chinese from my bed for wrong love 
- they ask for $$ & home from first kiss - now getting over 10 viruses a day .. 

will not open attachment even from God. 

I heard they killed 200 000 000 healthy born baby girls; 

what a wasting love resources & kissing abilities .. 

Any way .. let's do some business now and then 

I can put you those Solar Panels on next stories; 

See Soon (I'm inviting you on lunch some day) 

Be ready; and think of our Poor Nation; 

Before is too late.



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