On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Tim Roberts wrote:

Just noticed a couple of (obviously accidental) inaccuracies 
which I thought I'd try to clear up a bit as the original poster 
might be confused a bit from some slightly conflictual statements 
that are IMHO obvious typo/thinkos.

>>>The video driver is part of XFree86.
>>I don't think that this is neccessarily true, or is it?
>Yes, it is.
>>I don'tknow how it is
>>for other cards but in case of NVidia you have this kernel module nvidia.o
>>which you need to load and in the Device section I specify as driver nvidia.
>nvidia.o is not a kernel module.

It's not?  ;o)

>It is just a dynamically loaded object file that gets loaded by
>the XFree86 dynamic loader and called entirely in user mode.

That's nv_drv.o for the XFree86 supplied driver, and nvidia_drv.o
for the Nvidia supplied proprietary one of course.

>It could have been done as an ordinary .so DLL, but the design
>objective was to have these work regardless of operating system.  
>That's why there is a loader built-in to XFree86.

A debateable benefit considering the amount of additional 
developmental hurdles the ELF loader brings with it, including 
extra unnecessary complexities trying to debug a modular X 
server, and requiring a special patched gdb, or to do a static 
build, which often times then doesn't show the problem anymore, 
etc. etc.   And then there's the fact of how truely few non-OSS 
modules exist out there, and wether they actually do operate 
across different OS's of the same architecture.  IMHO the ELF 
loader is only a real win for all it's costs if proprietary-only 
modules without source code truely work on all OS's.

But that's debateable I'm sure, and kindof a side topic, so I 

>>Of course it could be that this is just a name which coincides with the
>>kernel module name. I assumed that it is the name of the module that is 
>>the driver, but I realize that this is not neccessarily so.
>Some drivers DO have kernel modules, to handle the DMA transfers
>that are necessary for adequate 3D operation.  However, kernel
>drivers are loaded with insmod.

modprobe actually.  ;o)

>>Do you mean that this driver also has some part within X itself? 
>ALL XFree86 graphics drivers are part of XFree86.  The interface
>they use is specified by and used by the XFree86 executable
>Have you never looked at the XFree86 source code?  You need to do so. 
>Really.  Much of this would be cleared up.

Agreed.  I think he is of the belief perhaps that an X driver 
module is perhaps like an SVGAlib API you can use in arbitrary 
programs perhaps including kernelspace, which of course isn't 

>>It owuld make sense I guess. But then where is this particular module? 
>>Is this also some closed source stuff from nVidia? At least I only had to
>>download the kernel module and nothing else because Suse is not allowed to
>>bundle it with their distribution. I suppose, that this would be true for a
>>module within X as well.
>If the driver lives in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers and is named in
>XF86Config, it is NOT a kernel module.  It is a dynamic library that is an
>integral part of XFree86.

Or installed separately by a proprietary vendor's installation or 
third party project such as GATOS (for the case of ATI hardware, 
just as an example.)

>>But the call of the EnterVT/LeaveVT has to end up in the kernel module
>>somewhere, so I guess it should be possible to trace that and see what is
>NO, NO, NO!  EnterVT/LeaveVT do NOT end up in a kernel module!  The
>user-mode driver that is part of XFree86 does ALL of the register
>manipulation needed to change the video mode in and out of graphics.  It's
>ALL done in the user-mode driver.  For those drivers that DO have kernel
>components, the kernel sections are doing little more than DMA memory
>management, which cannot be done in user-mode.  Register I/O and mode
>switching is STILL in user mode.

That's of course all true... I think he just totally 
misunderstands XFree86 and it's driver architecture in general.  
Perhaps knowing that the majority of drivers don't even have a 
kernel module at all period is a clearer indicator that XFree86 
and it's userland video driver modules do _everything_ WRT 
setting video modes, and configuring the hardware to blast 

>>>...  Because the driver knows the card, it knows which of the addresses
>>>is the frame buffer and which has the memory-mapped registers.  It maps
>>>that space into user-mode address space, and starts writing.
>>And where can I find that code, which interacts with the driver? I think
>>this EnterLeaveVT functions are only a small part of this. Is the most of
>>that card dependent stuff in there as well?
>It doesn't INTERACT with the driver.  It IS the driver.  Every driver in
>the XFree86 source code (which you really need to read) includes EnterVT
>and LeaveVT entry points, that do whatever needs to be done to switch the
>board into and out of graphics mode.  For many of the drivers, EnterVT and
>LeaveVT looks the same; they just call into other functions within that

Indeed.  I think the key part of your message, and I'm in 
complete concurrence with you, is "read the source Luke".  ;o)

For the benefit of the original poster, the source of the drivers 
is in:


The source of the Nvidia proprietary drivers is in:



Hope this helps.

Mike A. Harris

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